Guess what?! Well if you somehow missed the title before clicking on this blog post, let me tell ya. This gal's in print... well online print! About a month back, a new magazine contacted me asking if they could feature me and my
YouTube channel in their new online magazine! Of course I said yes! It's been tough keeping it a secret, but I'm so happy the article was released yesterday! Be sure to check it out!
My friends and family have been so supportive of me! After posting the news to Facebook and Instagram my phone blew up with likes, comments, texts, and calls of everyone congratulating me. It felt so wonderful!
I'd like to share the article with you all. Let me know what you think! I've just fallen in love with
The Double U Mag and all of their posts!
Check out the article post
Work hard, give back, and love. (And, never, ever give up!)