Wednesday, January 29, 2014

You don't see Snow && Slush Everyday in Florida!

Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter

Photo Credit: Sarah Longino

Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter
Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter
Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter

You don't see snow and slush everyday in Florida!!!

Work hard, give back, and love

xoxo, Courtney
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Snow Day || Patiently Waiting for Snow

Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter
Tallahassee has been crazy these past few days as the hype and excitement increases for the snow that is supposed to arrive today! Last night, at midnight, my roommate and I went outside to see the expected snow. Unfortunately, there wasn't too much, but you could easily see the sleet and flurries falling when standing near a light post.

My wishful thinking led me to hope that today, the city of Tallahassee, Florida would be covered in blankets and blankets of snow.
Call me a dreamer.

Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter
At least the University is closed until 12PM today due to the weather, and I'm experiencing my first snow day.

Well, I will keep you updated, and hopefully my wish

will come true!

Work hard, give back, and love.

xoxo, Courtney

Friday, January 24, 2014

"Do you want to build a Snowman?"

Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter
Yay, it's Friday! This has been such a rough week for me, so I'm so glad to say that it's officially over! Woohoo! I have found the light at the end of the tunnel. And to top it off, my weather app says that it's supposed to snow on Wednesday! I haven't seen snow since my trip to Australia in my early teen years, so you can probably see why I'm so excited! All I can say it: "Do you want to build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman." ;)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Work hard, give back, and love.

xoxo, Courtney
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Quote from the "Frozen" Disney Soundtrack

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What a Debby Downer Day

Today just was not my day. I think it's worse when you have something planned and you expect it to go perfectly, and it completely crumbles and fails and leaves your control. It's been a long, rough, Debby downer day.

I know there's that saying that there are so many people in the world, so do not let one ruin your day. However, it's hard when people flat out hurt you and don't seem to have any care in the world... and ruin a day for you that was supposed to be special (another hint, hint).

Now that I have finally been able to get my little rant out externally, I'm going to do my best to calm down and move on the best I can. I've found that it's hard for me to talk to people about things bothering me, but keeping things bottled up inside make everything worse. To find the proper medium, I write things out. It helps.

When I'm down on a particular day, I've found that it's helpful to think of at least five of the good things that have happened that day. Here are what I'm going to try to focus on rather than todays hurtful series of incidents:
Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter
(1) Today was my first day of school for the week because of MLK day, so this will be a short week.
(2)  I now have the most perfect Big in my sorority that I could ever ask for.
(3) The weather was super nice out during the day.
(4) I had cheese-balls for the first time in years. (Thanks, Libby!)
(5) My Kate Spade ring that I ordered during their Christmas sale was delivered to my house, and my mom sent it up to me at my university and it arrived today! I love it!

I hope everyone had a much better day than I did. These things happen and these kinds of days happen, so it's important to keep your head up and your heart strong. The pain won't last for ever.

Work hard, give back, and love

xoxo, Courtney
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Photo by: Courtney E. Carter

Friday, January 17, 2014

A Much Needed Friday

Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter
Happy, happy, happy, happy, HAPPY Friday, everyone! If you cannot tell already by that little introduction, I am super excited that the weekend is finally here. I have been so sleep deprived this week, it’s ridiculous! For those of you who don’t kno, I’m in a sorority, and we are in the midst of Spring Recruitment, which if you don’t know, is an insanely busy time of Greek Life. I have found myself at my sorority house in the early hours of the morning and the late hours of night. I am absolutely in love with my sorority, however. Although recruitment is a lot of work and a stressful time, there is no other group of people I’d rather be doing it with than my beautiful sisters.

On top of sorority life, school this week, has been insanely hectic and packed with work! It’s only the second week of the spring semester, and this week has sincerely reminded me of the stressfulness of finals week last semester. I had so many tests, quizzes, and labs this week and have had several projects assigned to me in different classes. Let me say this again: it’s only the second week of the semester! For college this semester, I am in 5 classes and a lab, so that’s basically 6 classes total, so I know I should have expected to always be a busy-bee. But man, it’s been crazy! I just have to keep reminding myself that I’ve got this and can only take one thing at a time.

So, please pray for this girl throughout this semester because I’m going to need it!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Work hard, give back, and love

xoxo, Courtney
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Photo by: Courtney E. Carter

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Winter Days :)

Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter
It's a cold and rainy winter school day for me! I live in Florida, so as you can imagine, I am not used to the 20 to 50 degree weather. Don't get me wrong... I do absolutely LOVE the cold. Fall and winter are my favorite seasons. However, it's the wind and rain that quickly turns a smile upside down on this girl's face (except I had to flash a smile for this picture.)
Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter

It's my fourth day back at school (and my fourth day being a part of the school that won the 2014 National BCS Championship... go Noles!) and I'm already a little bit overwhelmed. I'm taking 5 classes and a lab, and my college professors have already been assigning several chapters to read with quickly approaching test dates. I just have to remember to breath. Letting myself get stressed will get me no where, so I just need to take things one step at a time. I've got my 2014 Lilly Pulitzer agenda all set up, and I'm ready to work hard, do my best, and plow through this semester!

Happy Thursday, everyone, and good luck this semester! Stay warm!

Work hard, give back, and love.

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Photo by: Courtney E. Carter

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Day of Relaxation

Wow, it just really hit me today that winter break is almost over. I have had such an amazing winter break (a long one, may I add) filled with family, friends, and most importantly, must-needed-relaxation.

The college life is so busy. While yes, there is a lot of down time, I'm one of those people who is not good at setting aside time for myself. I always feel lazy when I lay around doing nothing, so while I'm in college, a large amount of my downtime was spend studying, making Youtube videos, and being productive.

Productivity is good... don't get me wrong. However, I'm learning that I don't always have to be busy in order to be successful. It is important to take time for yourself and just be.

That being said, I'm going to spend this lovely Thursday out and about with my mom and sister, enjoying being alive, and just relaxing.

Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter

Have a great day, everyone!

Work hard, give back, and love.

xoxo, Courtney
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Photo by: Courtney E. Carter

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014, I'm here. I'm ready.

I am going to be completely honest with you all. I do not like New Year's resolutions. Personally, I just think they're so fake and cliche. Yes, they do work for some. However, most people that I've talked to about New Year's resolutions laugh and agree that after a few weeks it is safe to say they don't last. 

Last night after the watching the ball drop on television and celebrating with my family, I went to bed and pondered. I've tried having a New Year's Resolution in past years and failed. After spending much time in deep thought, I came up with a plan.

Instead of having a New Year's "Resolution" this year, I decided to have a "New Way of Life" for the New Year. I thought about all of the aspects of my life that I want to change, and created a plan of action as to how I planned to change them. I feel that changing the way you live your life is much more realistic and effective than having a resolution that you start pronto... and hope that your old habits stop cold turkey.

Instead of having a resolution, 2014 is going to be the first step into my "New Way of Life." Life is filled with mistakes, so it's okay if you "mess up" one of the plans in your new life every once in a while. It's not as traumatic as breaking a resolution. That is why the "New Way of Life" plan is much more realistic.

This is what I have decided to change for my new life:

1. Take better care of myself. This will include eating better, working out more often, and taking better care of my skin and hair.

Photo Credit: Courtney E. Carter
2. Sharpen my mind. This will include reading more and studying more in school. (In 2013, I found myself spending most of my free time watching Netflix and Youtube, and just memorizing in school. I've started out 2014 by downloading several new novels to my Kindle Fire. I am going to begin sharpening my mind by reading more. And for school, I found myself always memorizing. If you think about it, memorizing is not really learning. I memorize things for the test, then I forget them after. Starting this year, I'm really going to learn.)

3. Be more patient with others. This will include giving my time up more for others and giving them the time of day.

4. Love myself. This will include finding a deeper love for myself, taking more time for myself, and doing my best to not compare myself to others.

2014, I'm here. I'm ready.

Work hard, give back, and love.

xoxo, Courtney
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Photo by: Courtney E. Carter