One thing I wanted to talk about is that I am sooo excited I finally got a pair of Lilly Pulitzer Sunglasses straps for spring! Hallelujah! Why am I so happy you might ask? Well, let me tell you a little story. It goes like this:
I had been wanting a pair of Lilly Pulitzer croakies since the beginning of Fall semester, but I never convinced myself to actually buy them since the Fall and Winter tend to be a big darker. It finally started getting much brighter out in March, so I decided that I was going to buy them at the Greek Store on my university's campus. Guess what? Sold out. Of course when I decide to wait for them there are plenty, but when I decide I want to buy them, they're gone!
So then, I decided to go online to Amazon.com and couldn't find one I absolutely fell in love with enough to spend 15 bucks on. Next, I went to the Lilly Pulitzer Website and found a pair of croakies I loved! I placed my order and was expecting them to arrive at my house when I was there for Spring Break! To my dismay, I got an email from Lilly Pulitzer a few days later saying that my order had to be canceled because they had an overwhelming amount of people trying to buy them. They were sold out again, people! I had to go my entire Spring Break without the croakies I wanted. First world problems.
From here on the story brightens. When I got back to college after Spring Break, I called the Greek Store to see if they had any more croakies, and they said they had a new shipment of Lilly croakies and the new, longer sunglasses strap! You should have seen my ear-to-ear grin! Right after a math quiz I sprinted (not literally) to the store and found the PERFECT pair in the print "Lobstah Roll." I love the Lilly sunglasses strap better than the croakies because they're longer and seem to have a much better quality, so I'm extremely happy with my purchase!
What's the moral to this story? Honestly, I don't really know, but I guess it enforces that everything happens for a reason... but on a little more of a materialistic level (lol).
Happy Friday, everyone!
Work hard, give back, and love.