Sometimes I wonder if some people out there are just like me or if I'm just a bit strange? I'm the kind of girl that can (and does) spend hours and hours just browsing my favorite designer's (Kate Spade, J.Crew, and Tory Burch! And the pictures in this post are items I don't yet have, but am saving up for) websites. I can look over every jewel and every stitch, and not get bored. Some may call it retail therapy, I just do it for fun. It's not even that I'm materialistic. I just happen to love jewelry, purses, and clothes a wee bit too much. (Okay, maybe that's an understatement.) I love just about every thing girly. I believe that a girl can never have too many pearls and bows.

As I said in my last post, I'm a freshman in college. (Translation: I'm poor.) Right now my life revolves around working towards getting a good degree. I am following in my parent's footsteps. My mom went all of the way through Medical School and is now a hardworking Physician, and my dad went all of the way through Law school and is now running his own business. Now, it's my turn.
The fact that I have expensive taste is not a bad thing. Instead, it encourages me to work hard. I know that if I want to satisfy my taste, I can't be mediocre. I have to be the best that I can be.

One thing in particular really ticks me off. Some have the misconception that all "rich" people are snobby, lazy, and get whatever they want. While that is true about those who are spoiled, it is not true (at all) about everyone. Most "well-off" people don't have the money and wealth that they do just because it was just handed off to them. They worked hard in school in order to get a good job, and that is how they have what they have today.
People need to learn that being lazy will not get you anywhere. I believe that working hard is the answer to a happy life.
Work hard, give back, and love.
xoxo, Courtney
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I do not own these photos. The photos are from:
- www.katespade.com
- www.jcrew.com
- www.toryburch.com
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