Friday, December 27, 2013

Inhale. Exhale.

There should be many times in everyone's life dedicated to stepping back and just breathing. There should be times to just stop and look over one's life. Inhale. Exhale. Life is a busy thing. We are always on some kind of schedule, have a place where we need to go, or have a task we need to complete. Inhale. We are always going, going, going. Working, working, working. There is school, chores, work, cleaning, exercising, teaching, studying, cooking, building, creating. Am I right? Exhale.

Stop and breath.

Some things I use to relax are warm baths with bath balls, soft music, and tea or hot chocolate.

And once you have gathered yourself together, ask yourself where you are going. There is no sense in looking back. We will never get last year, last month, or even yesterday back, so where are you going? And what are you doing that will help you get there?

There's this cycle I have noticed... for me an almost robotic routine. I'm a freshman in college, and now that things have changed a little bit since I'm on winter break, I've had an ample amount of time to just think about my life. I have realized that in college I wake up, get ready, go to classes, eat at my sorority house, study, call/text my parents, occasionally go out for a party, shower, get ready for bed, watch Netflix and/or youtube and sleep. I have done that same routine over and over with a few differences depending on the day of the week. However, for the most part, that is how my life goes right now.

So, how is this impacting the Courtney I want to be in 10, 5, or even one year? How is it making the me that I want to become and be proud of? Who do I look up to? Who and what do I dislike. Who was I? Who am I?

Everything that you do has a positive or negative effect, so make sure what you're doing is worth it. We all have a purpose, but it is up to each and every one of us to decide how we are going to become the best rate of ourselves and how we are going to accomplish what we were put on this earth to do.

We all have to discover our own strengths, but it all starts with right here and right now. Stop, and think. Who were you, who are you, and where are you going?

Work hard, Give back, and love
xoxo, Courtney
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Photos were not taken by me. I used the photos from:

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