I have a love-hate relationship with Sundays. While it pains me to know the weekend is coming to an end (being a Full-time working girl can be hard, ya know!), I do love the peacefulness of Sundays. I love sleeping in a bit and being lazy before going to church and lunch with the famjam. Sundays are calm...
It is important to remind yourself when life is good so that you always have something to remember when things go wrong. Now, without being as cliche as possible, I attended the movie, The Fault in our Stars last night. I read the book with a heavy heart a few months back and the movie quickly brought my friend and I to tears as we watched it in the theater. It was a reminder that while we, in our present bodies, are not invincible, love really is. "Pain demands to be felt," but love will give you strength. Love itself is strength. It's power.
I vow to " l i v e c o l o r f u l l y. " Yes, I know this could be seen as just a Kate Spade motto, but it is really so much more than that. Live easy my friends. Be happy and notice the vibrant shades of brilliant colors around you. Notice every single one.
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