Thursday, July 31, 2014

Liebster Award Nominee!

I have some pretty exciting news!  Miss Claire of Simply Darling nominated me for the Liebster Award! The Liebster Award was created as a way to discover new blogs and get involved in the blogging community. Once you are nominated, you are to complete these tasks:

1) Post 11 facts about yourself.

2) Answer the 11 questions created by the person who nominated you, then create your own set for the people you are going to nominate.

3) Choose 11 people that have under 200 followers to nominate. Be sure to link them in your post.

4) Let the people you nominated know they've been tagged! (No tag backs.)

Keep on reading to see my 11 random facts, my answers to Claire's questions, the questions I came up with, and who I've nominated!

My 11 Random Facts:
1) I am a perfectionist, and I am really hard on myself when I feel like I could have done better at something.
2) I've been vlogging (video blogging) on my Fashion & Lifestyle YouTube Channel for over two years now and have been blogging for about 7 months.
3) My favorite brands are easily Kate Spade and J.Crew.
4) I am an Alpha Gamma Delta and absolutely love being a part of Greek Life.
5) I've been to Europe twice (France, England, Wales, Scotland, Belgium, and Ireland) and Australia. I'd love to visit Tokyo someday for the experience.
6) My favorite color is pink! Navy is a close second.
7) I go to The Florida State University and am planning to get my degree in Communications and minor in Business.
8) I love snail-mail! Many of my blogging and YouTube friends are also snail-mail buddies, and getting pretty paper in the mail makes my day every time. 
9) I'm terrified of bugs and all creepy crawlers.
10) My favorite animals are elephants and owls.
11) Vlogging and blogging are becoming a huge part of my life and I'm so happy to have all of you!

To hear more random facts about me, watch this video! I named 50!

My Answers to Claire's Questions:
1) Describe your style.
I would definitely have to say that my style is pretty classic and put together. You'll often find me in polos and J.Crew.

2) Are you an early bird or night owl?
Early bird! I always try to sleep in but it rarely works! I'm always the first one awake at sleepovers as well.

3) Are you a procrastinator or do you like getting things done early?
I ALWAYS try to get things done early. I'm definitely what you call Type A, so as soon as I have an assignment or a growing To-Do list, I get right to it!

4) Favorite holiday?

5) Favorite summer memory?
My favorite summer memories are traveling all over Europe and Australia!

6) Favorite place to vacation?
I love visiting resort hotels on the beach.

7) What are you most excited for in the upcoming school year?
I can't believe I'll be a sophomore in college in a few weeks. I'm definitely most excited for Football games. Go Noles! I'm also super excited to be decorating my first apartment!

8) How and when did you start blogging?
I started blogging at the end of last year (2013). I had been vlogging on YouTube for a while, but wanted to try something else as well. Many of the girls I followed on Instagram had blogs in their bio, and I was inspired to create my own.

9) Your favorite movie?
I love the Parent Trap.

10) Who is your biggest inspiration?
I really look up to my mom. 

11) What do you want to do when you graduate college? 
I'm not completely sure yet! I know I want to do something with media, public relations, and film though. I think it would be very interesting becoming a Public Relations Specialist for an Entertainment & Lifestyle PR Firm in LA or NY.

Who I've Nominated:
Madison of It's Madison Lane
Abby of Belle of the Ball 45
Nathalie of  She Wears Prep
Samantha of Preptista
Becca of Becca Jane
Caitlin of Your Typical Prep
Shelby of Lucky Day
Emery of Oh So Ellie

I hope you discover new bloggers and blogs from this post! Thank you so much, Claire, for nominating me!

Thanks for reading!

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